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My Top 5 Favorite Things!

I am going to be honest, I like nice things. Unfortunately, nicer things tend to come with a bigger price tag. With higher price tags, when I find a brand I like I stick to it. When I do become a loyal customer, it is hard to pull me away. I wanted to share my top five favs right now. As I do these in the future, I may tailor it a bit more narrowly category-wise, for example - top 5 foods, or top 5 shoes, or even top 5 vacation spots - but for the first favorite list, these are my top 5 items I absolutely can’t live without.

Please note, I am NOT sponsored in anyway and will always give 100% honest and authentic feedback regarding everything I recommend/love! ☺ No BS here.

Also, I will never force any product or item on anyone besides my favorite vacation spot… Jackson hole, WY. If you haven’t been you really NEED to go. More on that in a later blog. Okay, enough of my chatter, let’s dive in:

  1. Blender: Nutribullet: OMG this one is my loyal #1. My life line is my blender. I do not like drinking liquid calories (i.e., protein shakes), BUT I do love me some ice cream. I blend my protein powder with water and ice every morning. On occasion, even at night for late night dessert (with no fat or carbs). I have gone through every blender from Oster, to the Ninja, to the Vitamix, and nothing does it like the Nutribullet. So much so, I travel with mine to the gym, to work, on vacations, and even went out in the middle of a hurricane (Harvey) to get a new blender when the motor went out. This is an amazing product that I will never stop using. Note to all, those who have a wedding, home, or baby registry; put 3 Nutribullets on there…. So worth it.

  2. Handbag: Louis Vuitton: Yes, I know this is a pricey one but sooo worth it. Small back story on me - ever since I was young, handbags were my thing stemming from my Grandma. Oh, she had style and also had the biggest influence on accessories. Now, she definitely went over the top on jewelry, but she always looked smashing. Every birthday growing up, my Grandma would take me on a shopping spree for a new handbag. Now jump to post-college, my neverfull Loui, that I bought with my hard-earned money, has only gotten better with time. The bag is so well-made from the stitching to the leather. I know I will have mine for years to come. From its timeless pattern and style, to its durability, no need to have another handbag.

  3. Shoes: NoBull Shoes I want to note, Nobull have taken off in the last year, but I am proud to say I was a buyer when they had 5 colors and they were around $100 a pair. Now almost every CrossFitter is rocking them and some are in the $160+ range. On the practical side, I am a shoe shredder. It maybe the way I walk, but I go through shoes. This started when I was in middle school and training hard as a libero on my club volleyball team. In fact, a coach who I trained under, who is a well-known college coach today, looked at my shoes and said that a sign of a good libero is shredded shoes. Glad to represent! Anyway, NoBull shoes have withstood rope climbing, muddy runs (Spartan race), and miles of miles of running and lifting. They are lightweight but give a sturdy base for all things lifting. The big downside is that you have to order online and can’t try them on before buying. A way to get around this is to find a friend that has them and try them on.

  4. IPhone Case: Loopy Raise your hand if you have been in bed and dropped your phone on your face. I am super guilty of this! The Loopy has saved face multiple times. Oh, how about the one trip grocery bag person? You load your arms up with 10,000 bags to ensure you make it in one trip. Yep, that’s me too! The best part of the Loopy is you can let it hang on your finger as you barrel your way into your home with your million bags and not have to worry about your phone falling out. The Loopy fits into any jean pocket and ensures safety if (or in my case, when) you drop your phone. I have gone through I think 5 cases now, not because the case has broken, but because of the cool new colors they offer.

  5. Chocolate: Eating Evolve I am not a chocolate fan and never have been, but when you have a fat deficiency, you look to all avenues to help get fat. I found Eating Evolve coconut cups and they have been a game changer. No more guilt in eating a piece because it’s literally fuel, not candy. They are dairy free, soy free, paleo, and vegan. From bars, to cups (just like Reese’s), to spreads… you have to try their product. You can find them at Whole Foods and online.

Alrighty folks, that was a start and oh my word, was it hard for me to not list on another 15 items. I am so excited to continue to share my favorite things, places, and even the free stuff that make me happy! I hope y’all enjoyed the first installment and don’t hesitate to shoot me an email on items you may want me to try or other categories of my favorite things that I can do for the next blog.

As always, tag me with #lifeofpow if you try some of the items above, and let me know your thoughts. The good, the bad, and the ugly are always welcomed! That’s the best way we can help each other!



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