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Melanie Power

​Pow Pow



Hi there!

Welcome to Life of Pow! I am so glad you want to be a part of this amazing community that has been a labor of love of mine for a long time. Life of Pow brings together some major life changing elements in my life that have taught me a lot and focuses on the four main pillars of Pow: 

  • Living and dealing with disease and chronic pain

  • Building a POWerful mind (adaptive belief system)

  • Holist nutrition 

  • Fitness 




To give you a quick review of who I am and why I started Life of Pow, allow me to introduce myself! I am Melanie Power. I spent the first 21 years of my life dealing with an aggravating misdiagnosed digestive disorder that consumed my life. I had bouts of severe pain and diarrhea and could not properly digest food off and on since birth. Growing up, on the outside I looked like a normal kid. From being an honor student, to training as a competitive figure skater and later elite volleyball player, to being active in my church and local San Antonio community; I did it all.  I developed tactics along the way to manage the pain and the digestive issues, as I continued to have doctors dismiss what I was experiencing. Through the years, the ability to communicate the pain went unanswered and I was forced to leverage the only guaranteed tool I had: my faith. With countless failed approaches I was forced to succumb or overcome. I turned to my only reliable force, God, to help me build a powerful mind. (Oh trust me, this wasn’t easy) My illness made a pivotal turn my junior year at Baylor. The pain intensified to a consistent pattern that I was practically living in the ER. (#loyalitycustomer) 



Through an ironic twist of faith, I finally found a medical expert that identified my symptoms as chronic “childhood” pancreatitis. The excitement of a final diagnosis was, let’s just say, short lived as the terrifying ultimatums set in around minimal treatment options and dire implications.  Within a few fast months, I made the decision to have a life changing transplant called a Total Pancreatectomy with Auto-Islet Cell Transplant (TP/AIT). My transplant started a journey of a brand-new life, tackling all new unimageable obstacles.  Five years post operation, I am ready to provide my compelling insights on the highs and lows learned through my journey and furthermore how to cultivate a happy life through all the obstacles, struggles, and pain each of us are delivered. By no means is my journey complete, Life of Pow will be my place to tackle the future challenges, the redirections and the bumps in the road that will continue to come my way. 



You may be wondering where the “Pow” name came from. Being an athlete, fitness has been my steadfast companion through it all. Post-Transplant, I started CrossFit to aid in my recovery. That was where I was dubbed affectionately “Pow Pow” (after my maiden name which is “Power”). While I am not exactly a superhero by any means, I am excited to share all my knowledge related to mental and physical health, fitness, and nutrition. You get the inside look, tools, and resources to help you be the person that you want to be!

Life of Pow will bring a wealth of excellent information on how to deal with chronic illness and pain and other key lifestyle changes that can help you POWER through whatever life throws your way. My website will be a place for you and me to tackle the happy parts and difficult parts of life together. Ready to be an insider? You don’t want to miss an update, free workout, or yummy recipe. Click “subscribe” below and become a new member to the POW family. 



Life of Pow is run 100% by myself and my super-human Mom so I can guarantee to you: raw, authentic, true content and ALWAYS no crazy spam emails. My past as only help lay the foundation for my future and I can’t wait to have you alongside as I open my heart and mind to all that want to see it. 






Keep Smiling,


my story, the good, the bad, the POWerful.

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