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One-on-one nutrition coaching

limited spots available 

I am going to get straight to the point… I know there are so many online calculators/programs, “nutrition coaches”, and Doctors out there that offer this or something like it. You may have tried them and had success and/or failure. There are tons of reasons on why they did or didn’t work but the fact is you clicked this page because you desire a change. You definitely would not have made it this far in reading if you didn’t want to see a change. As you may have read from my blogs, or seen on my insta-stories or know me in person…


Nutrition is my passion. This stems from my personal relationship with food. I grew up as a “big girl”, with a body imagine in the toilet where I leveraged food for so much comfort (Not a good thing). I had a very unhealthy relationship with it which came to a halt with my cranky pancreas deciding to ultimately stop working. I was forced to remove the foods I so loved and transitioned to a new way of thinking… nutrition is way more then what and when to eat but the psychological factors are just as important. 



I continue to learn daily about food, all macronutrients and micronutrients and how they are broken down through each step through the digestive system in order to simply function a normal(ish) life. I, myself, am my own test dummy and have truly manifested a foundations of my coaching that I feel make me unique in helping you!

My Foundations of Coaching 

There is no diet- it’s a lifestyle. 

No two bodies are the same; trial + LOTS of error will get you results.

Change takes time, patience is required.

80/20 is the way to go… 80% relatively strict with 20% pleasure (aka have that slice of cake).

Protein and Fat is critical. 


This is what my clients look LIKE

Are you one of them?

  • Not happy with what they see in the mirror: need guidance on where to start and then the accountability to stick with it. 

  • Doctor presented them with not good information on health: change is mandatory for them. 

  • Tried 10,000 different diets, programs, methods and nothing is working. The scale won’t budge.

  • I am an athlete and I need to equipment my body for optimal performance. 

  • I am always bloated, tired, have no motivation, can’t think clearly and have had enough. 

  • I want to be in your circle because your cool and I want to learn all the crazy things you know. (hehe this one is my mom :P) 

the details 

This package starts with a three month period followed by additional months after if you desire. I care deeply about three months as that is the time that I feel is needed to fully allow your body to accept the changes and start to see the results you desire. Plus, it ensure I have the full opportunity to give you everything I have. After three months, you have the option of continuing month to month. Here are My goals for the next three months:


  • To push away that termination date that we all have and ensure that you enjoy every birthday party, vacation trip, and life event to the max.  

  • Provide you with knowledge around the current state of our food, reverse misconceptions on foods, what make up food, and how your body processes the food for fuel. 

  • To empower you to feel confident and ready to continue a healthy lifestyle without me. No, I will never drop you but I don’t expect you to need me forever. ☺

  • Simply feel good… clear mind, solid workouts, and (if I’m lucky) happy doctor visits.

Okay, by now if you have made it this far, let's chat! 

This is my most customized option plan.

You get me basically 24/7 below are listed items that honestly there maybe something on this list that I forgot. My one-on-one clients teach me so much more than I could ever teach you. As I work with people, I will continue to craft my offerings to best serve you…. That basically said, if you think of something I probably can make it happen. 



  • Recommended nutrition guide based on your desired food preferences 

  • Flexible or strict meal planning recommendation per day

  • Grocery lists (Pow approved list)

    • Supplement recommendation 

    • If in the local area, Pow assisted grocery trips (I love grocery shopping)

  • Weekly check-ins and modifications 

    • Optional: Zoom or in-person meetings 

  • Cell-phone access to me 

  • Recipe recommendations 

  • Customize meal creator interactive sheet 

  • Biggest cheerleader!!

You are in charge.

I allow my clients to be as hands off or hands all in regarding the plan. But it is important to note, the success on this plan is 100% in your hands. I will help guide you but I can’t do the eating for you. If you want the change, you have to prioritize it high in your life. I will not be knocking down your door requesting updates or pulling for information. I will get you change, May not always be exactly what you want but I can guarantee the journey together will be a fun one! 


I drive a keto inspired lifestyle. This is based tons of literature on the importance of fat. I believe on eating a diversified colorful plate all sourced from the earth. I believe protein is beyond important and the majority of our population are not getting enough. This includes all animals; my favorite being: beef, pork, poultry and fish. Then adding in fruits and veggies across the rainbow spectrum. Aka more color the better! 


I have an ancestral mindset on how a program and I incorporate that with what you desire. So you want all to go all vegetarian, I can do that. You want me to program in a glass a wine a day, I can do that. You want me to recommend what to each at each time of the day with your schedule, I can do that. You want me to only recommend your daily macros and leave it to you to come up with the meals, I can do it. This is going to be completely customized to you. 

Are you ready?

Are you ready to conquer your pain, your insecurities, your frustrations??? I sure am and would love to have you be a part of the Pow family, where we find our inner power to overcome the obstacles that get in the way (I know super cheesy but that’s me).  If you are interested in learning how I can help you, drop your information below and let’s get to chatting.

let's talk

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