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Attorneys & Commerical Projects


There are many uses for freelance paralegals, and all types of firms can benefit from their use. For smaller law firms and businesses, freelance paralegals are a cost effective apporach to your legal &  administrative needs. 

Attorneys & Commercial Projects

We provide legal document preparation for Attorneys and small businesses. We work with attorneys in the Houston area and surrounding *Texas cities with overwhelming caseloads. If you need a temporary or a permanent solution to your administrative needs, you have come to the right place. As you know, by hiring a freelance paralegal you can avoid the overhead costs of sustaining an extra yet vital team member. You are billed flat rates, instead of hourly or administrative reimbursements.  


We provide litigation support from intake to settlement, or research, drafting, document organization and trial preparation. It is important that you have a clear understanding of your needs and goals in partnering with our office. Effectively utilizing our services in your office or practice will free-up a substantial amount of time for more pressing matters; and still get the support you need when hiring a full-time team member isn’t a viable solution.

Common Challenges We Alleviate
  • Turn-around Time

  • Perfected Documents

  • Missed Deadlines

  • Poor Customer Service

  • Appreciable backlog of files

  • Deep budget cuts

  • Hiring freezes

  • Insufficient staff

  • The need to do more with less

  • Overypaying a permenant staff (that is on Social Media most of the time anyway, js.)



Costs are reduced for both the legal department and the agency as a whole since the need for payroll, taxes, benefits, overhead, and human resources are removed from the picture. The only cost to the us is the cost of the work actually performed; and we are brutally honest regarding how much or how little assistance is needed.


Administrative Outsourcing 

We provide flat rate administrative support from draft form to implementation, or research, drafting, document organization and presentation preparation. Effectively utilizing our services in your will free-up a substantial amount of time and eliminate unnecessary administrative overhead


  • Policy & Procedure Writing 

  • Form Drafting & Finalizing 

  • Contract Drafting 

  • Presentation Creations

  • Proposal Creations 

  • Report Creating

  • Document Templates (One-time fee, rights assigned to you)

  • Database Creation


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